November 28, 2012

Her Minaj-esty

Earlier this week I was fortunate enough to work on the Nicki Minaj tour.

In my time, have seen countless celebrities walk around backstage before a show in nothing but a pair of tracksuit pants, flip flops and prior to their visit to the beauty department. The one thing that I have discovered however, is that they really are just like us. They have their good days, they have their bad days, and ultimately, with the help of a small army, they can be transformed into something quite spectacular in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this side of fame- the glamorous 'having everything done for you by a professional' side, it's no wonder that the likes of the Kardashians, Lady Gaga and Miss Minaj herself are able to sustain their paparazzi perfect image, regardless of the place or time of day. Seriously, if I had a personal trainer, private chef, stylist, makeup artist and hair dresser at my beck and call, I'd look fabulous everyday too!

But watching Minaj arrive at the venue, hiding behind a pilots hat and over sized shades, a part of me felt a little sad for her. I stood there, wondering what it must be like to walk in her shoes for just one day? Put the fame, the fortune and the fans aside, and the pressure to look a certain way each time you step out in public would surely be enough to make me want to call it quits.

Now, I'm not and will hopefully never be the type of person who substitutes gym gear for everyday wear, but I do like the days when I can put on a simple pair of jeans and plain white tshirt and run to the grocery store or out for a quick coffee. People like Lady Gaga and in earlier years, Madonna, have set such a high precedent for themselves in terms of their style, that now, anything less than outrageous or over the top is deemed unacceptable and makes headlines.

I suppose the more important question to ask is "when is the right time for am celebrity persona to end?" Does Gaga have enough international love and support that she could turn all 'Betty Crocker' tomorrow and set a new precedent for herself (as previously done by the likes of Christina Aguilera or Xtina as she was formally known)? Or, can an over the top image only die at the same time as a career?

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