May 19, 2011

: 25 Things...

To those who know me best, it's no secret I'm a list junkie.

I’d like to say it serves a specific purpose and is solely used to accommodate my ridiculously busy life, but truth be told, I’m just an organisational freak.

One of the many lists I have is one called “25 Things To Do Before 25”.

This is my version of what many call a Bucket List, except in my case I’m working on a specific timeframe rather than an entire lifetime. My thinking is, since no one knows when their final day will come, the excuse “I’ll do it later in life” bares no relevance so why not start ticking things off now?

I find lists are tangible and when goals are written out on paper they almost become part of a contract with yourself rather than a thought or figment of the imagination.

I’m turning 24 this year, so I have just under 18 months to complete 25 things which scare, challenge and excite me.

When I was 18, I remember writing a list of things to do before I turned 21, originally thinking those 4 years would last forever. Then, in the blink of an eye I had finished uni, was planning to travel around the world and just like that, time had passed. There were unfortunately a couple of items on that list which remained incomplete, but they’ve just advanced onto another list.

One rainy London afternoon I decided to relive my travel adventures by reading my journal, when I came across the list I made at the sheltered age of 18. As I read through the goals I had set for myself 6 years ago, and couldn’t help but laugh. The truth was, I was a little dumbfounded at the fact that at one stage of my life, I had considered those goals a big challenge. Maybe it was maturity, life experience or simply the fact I had grown as a person, that made me see things in a different light? It was an interesting personal analysis, and the facts were written out right in front of me. It was like seeing myself grow in words rather than pictures.

So with all that being said, the point of this post was to say that I’m currently in the process of ticking off number 17. Albeit the easiest item on the list, number 17 is to watch all 7 seasons of Sex and the City. While I’d like to excuse this indulgence as a necessary resource in developing my relationship skills, the truth is it’s nothing more than a guilty pleasure...

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