January 1, 2012

Welcome, 2012...

"Hello 2012! How did you sneak up on me so suddenly?"

Another year has come and gone, and I for one have no idea where the past 12 months went?

On one hand, this year will represent the celebration of another birthday, an overseas trip to some new and exciting destinations and hopefully a handful of experiences which will make me a little more wise and a lot happier.

On the other hand however, sits change and my forecast is that this year will be full of them- both good and bad, I'm sure. In most instances in life, I tend to fight against change- especially when I'm not the one who's instigated it. I'm a planner by nature and usually think my decisions through carefully before passing go. However, this year I have the feeling I'll be faced with countless new changes, both planned and unplanned, but all of which I'm aiming to fully embrace because it has typically, in my experience, only lead to good things.

2011 for me was an incredibly tough year emotionally, optimistically and professionally, but I've come out on the other side glad that those experiences happened and feeling better off for them. So, even though they were completely unplanned, I'm glad they happened.

But the new year isn't just about the unfortunate things that happened the year before and how to change them, but rather about adding more positive things into your life too. It's not about resolutions, but simply taking the time for the simple things, like more reading, more quality time with family, more writing, more catch-ups with friends, more confidence, more laughing, more gym sessions, more deep breaths and more fun!

So with that being said, HAPPY NEW YEAR readers and may 2012 bring you the strength to change the things you choose, laughter to counteract all the tears and good health to allow you to enjoy the life you have xx

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