December 25, 2011

Christmas Craziness...

From hot, sunny Adelaide, I wish all my readers and those just passing through a very Merry Christmas, filled with love, laughter, happiness and a special gift under the tree with your name on it. 

This year, like every other, my lunch time will be spent with my mother's side of the family, for a quiet and civilized meal, followed by a much faster paced and rather hectic dinner with my father's family. 

Christmas dinner is always filled with a household full of noise, cousin catch-ups and of course, as is the case with many Greek families...a cast of thousands. Yes, Christmas night is where approximately 40-50 of my closest relatives come together for an evening involving more presents, more food and visit from our very own Father Christmas, followed by an always entertaining Christmas concert, where each family is required to prepare and present a musical item to be judged by Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson...or in other words, the eldest and less mobile members of the family. None of us have any musical talent what-so-ever (we were clearly not blessed with rhythmic genes) so there is never any pressure to perform at a high standard, but rather the most 'entertaining' (and I use that term loosely), family generally wins. 

It is a tradition which I've come to realise is quite unique, but one which I can't imagine being omitted from our Christmas celebrations. So wherever you are in the world, I hope you are reliving your yearly festive traditions and are surrounded by those you love, which is of course the true meaning of Christmas. 

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