November 19, 2010

The Silly Season Has Begun...

It's no secret to those who know me best, and I'm proud to admit that I'm a bit of a Christmas geek. It is without a doubt my favourite holiday of the year, and in my books, November is a completely acceptable time to start dusting off the decorations and put up the tree. Besides, when it's made with a little bit of love, why would you want something so pretty up for only a couple of weeks?

Our family's Christmas tree is covered in memories. Sure, it may not all match, but each year when my sisters and I decorate the tree, we can't help but laugh and reminisce about the stories behind home-made ornaments and bits and pieces created back when we were at kindergarten.

However, the time will come soon enough when I invest in my own tree, and until I have little Natalie's to get handy with arts and crafts, I think I want it to look something like these...

[Decorations can follow any theme, like this example of clocks with touches of pink and gold]

[Matching tubs is a clean way of storing presents under the tree and is a cleaver way to collate them by family]

[A tree which matches your room acts like a new piece of furniture]

[Country chic. I can see this tree in a big British countryside home]

And for the more design conscious...

Wrapping paper is the perfect way to make the whole look cohesive, so buy your paper first, then a bunch of silver, gold or neutral decorations and each year interchange a theme colour to match. You can do it as extravagant or cheap as you like, and can achieve a great look by simply purchasing a roll of ribbon and tying bows onto the stems.

Whatever look you're going for, I hope you all take pleasure in making your christmas tree glowing and gorgeous! Enjoy.

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